Glossary A
Glossary A
- Automatic attention response : Automatic attention response refers to processing of a specific and well-trained stimulus, such as a target letter, that automatically captures attention.
Automatic egotism refers to the response by the automatic System that states "everything good is me, and everything bad is not me”.
Automatic processing refers to thinking that is nonconscious, unintentional, involuntary, and effortless.
Automatic system refers to the part of the mind outside of Consciousness that performs simple operations.
Deutsch: Automatisches Denken / Español: Pensamiento Automático / Português: Pensamento Automático / Français: Pensée Automatique / Italian: Pensiero Automatico
Automatic Thinking in the psychology context refers to the spontaneous, quick, and often subconscious thoughts that arise in response to various stimuli. These thoughts are typically habitual, effortless, and based on past experiences and learned patterns, influencing perceptions, emotions, and behaviors without conscious deliberation.
Automatic thoughts refer to unreasonable and unquestioned ideas that rule a person's life and lead to depression and anxiety.
Automaticity refers to the the ability to recall information from long-term memory without using short-term memory capacity.