Depression refers to a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration.

These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850.000 thousand lives every year.

Depression is the leading cause of disability It is depression a biologically-based psychological disorder marked by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, significant increase or decrease in appetite and sleep, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts or actions. To roughly define depression, it can be described as: a complex assortment of emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and physical symptoms that prevent an individual from optimal functioning. Depression alters one's perception of the world as well as of one's self. Anxiety may increase as a result of habitual low-level thinking (feeling overwhelmed by the current situation). Specifically: 1. Emotional Symptoms: feeling sad, gloomy, tearful, guilty, apathetic, irritable and unable to experience pleasure.

2. Cognitive symptoms: thoughts of inadequacy, worthlessness, helplessness, Self blame, pessimism about the future, depressed mood, reduced ability to concentrate.

3. Behavioural Symptoms: decreased ability to do ordinary work, neglected personal appearance, decreased social contacts, sleep disturbances, suicide may be attempted.

4. Physical Symptoms: illnesses such as indigestion, headaches, dizzy spells, chronic fatigue and generalized pain. Depressed people also have little sense of Control over their lives, low self-esteem, low sense of personal accomplishment, and a strong sense that their personal identity depends on the accomplishments of another person or people.

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"Depression" findet sich im UNSPSC Code "51141600"
Arzneimittel gegen Depression

Other /More definition:
Depression refers to the enormity of the loss fosters disaffection and powerlessness. Severe Stress and pain peak and plateau. Relationships become strained and some do not survive. Comfort is only achieved with other suicide grievers. Some interests are lost.

Moreover, Depression is a feeling of constant sadness and powerlessness that can be mild, moderate or extreme. Severe forms of depression are referred to as major depressive disorder, or clinical depression. Depression affects your work, emotional life, family and friends, and sometimes leads sufferers to harm themselves in the belief that things will never improve, yet most people do not seek help, even though there are a number of successful treatment options.

The following are the symptoms of depressions that may arise gradually or can be the natural response to a particularly upsetting event.

Exhaustion, loss of energy, even when you have just woken up
• Permanent sadness, particularly in the morning
• Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
• Inability to concentrate or make decisions
• Loss of interest in life and the future, lack of enjoyment of things that used to be fun
• Unjustified feelings of shame, inadequacy or insignificance. Feeling that you are a burden to others
• Feelings of powerless, despair, worry or anxiety
• Feeling restless, irritable or listless
Insomnia or excessive sleeping, nightmares, waking up very early
Avoidance of others, or Fear of being alone
• Difficulty working efficiently at work/college/school
Inability to eat or feel hungry; or marked weight gain
• Loss of Libido or sexual difficulties
• Physical aches and pains like constant headaches or back pain (see Lower back pain)
• Suicidal thoughts or thinking about death

Other definition:

Depression refers to a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy,
and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 thousand lives every year. Depression is the leading cause of disability It is depression a biologically-based psychological disorder marked by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, significant increase or decrease in appetite and sleep, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts or actions. To roughly define depression, it can be described as: a complex assortment of emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and physical symptoms that prevent an individual from optimal functioning. Depression alters one"s perception of the world as well as of one"s self. Anxiety may increase as a result of habitual low-level thinking (feeling overwhelmed by the current situation). Specifically:

1. Emotional Symptoms: feeling sad, gloomy, tearful, guilty, apathetic, irritable and unable to experience pleasure.

2. Cognitive symptoms: thoughts of inadequacy, worthlessness, helplessness, self blame, pessimism about the future, depressed mood, reduced ability to concentrate.

3. Behavioural Symptoms: decreased ability to do ordinary work, neglected personal appearance, decreased social contacts, sleep disturbances, suicide may be attempted.

4. Physical Symptoms: illnesses such as indigestion, headaches, dizzy spells, chronic fatigue and generalized pain.

Depressed people also have little sense of control over their lives, low self-esteem, low sense of personal accomplishment, and a strong sense that their personal identity depends on the accomplishments of another person or people.

Other definition:

Depression refers to the enormity of the loss fosters disaffection and powerlessness. Severe stress and pain peak and plateau. Relationships become strained and some do not survive. Comfort
is only achieved with other suicide grievers. Some interests are lost.

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