Glossary Y

Y chromosome refers to the shorter of the two (2) sex chromosomes ; normal males have one Y chromosome, whereas females have none. Y chromosome, moreover refers to the male chromosome contributed by the father; produces a male when paired with an X chromosome. Fathers may give either an X or a Y chromosome to their off spring.

y-axis refers to the vertical axis of a graph, upon which the levels of a dependent variable are usually represented.

Deutsch: Yale Einstellungsänderungsansatz / Español: Enfoque de Cambio de Actitud de Yale / Português: Abordagem de Mudança de Atitude de Yale / Français: Approche de Changement d'Attitude de Yale / Italiano: Approccio al Cambiamento di Atteggiamento di Yale /

Yale Attitude Change approach refers to the study of the conditions under which people are most likely to change their attitudes in response to persuasive messages; researchers in this tradition focus on "who said what to whom"-that is, on the source of the communication, the nature of the communication, and the nature of the audience

Yammer means to whine, complain, or to talk loudly and incessantly. Yammer is from the Middle Dutch word jammeren which means to lament.

yeast infection refers to vaginal infection that causes an increase in vaginal discharge, burning, and itching and may be sexually transmitted. yeast infection is also referred to as Vulvovaginal Candidiasis.
Yegg refers to a thug or burglar, especially a safecracker.

Yellow journalism refers to journalism that employs exaggeration, scandals, and lurid stories to attract readers.

Yen refers to a strong desire or longing.

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