Hypothalamus refers to the part of the forebrain responsible for regulating water Balance and controlling hunger and sexual desire, motivations and emotional behavior; assists in card

iac functioning, blood pressure regulation, and respiration regulation; has a major role in regulation of the endocrine system, which controls the release of hormones, including those related to stress.

A structure of the diencephalon, part of the limbic system considered instrumental in controlling the autonomic system. Activates, controls, and integrates the peripheral autonomic mechanisms, endocrine activity, and somatic functions, including body temperature, food intake, and development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Moreover, the Hypothalamus is the region of the forebrain in the floor of the third ventricle, linked with the thalamus above and the pituitary gland below.

The functions of the Hypothalamus are as follows:

1. The Hypothalamus is the "Receptor Centre", and "Control Centre" of the body.

2. It contains several important centers controlling body temperature and eating, and water balance. Examples include osmo-receptors that balance water/salt levels and control the water content of the blood.

3. It is also the Saiety Center that is concerned with "satisfaction", for things like hunger, thirst, sex.

4. It is also closely connected with emotional activity and sleep, and it functions as a center for the integration of hormonal and autonomic nervous activity through its control of the pituitary secretions.

The posterior lobe of the pituitary secrets two hormones:

1. ADH or Anti-diuretic hormone, as known as vasopressin in the United States. This works on the kidney tubules. Secretion of ADH tells the kidneys to re-absorb more water, resulting in more concentrated urine. Non-secretion of ADH results in more peeing, and weaker urine.

2. Oxytocin.

Other /More definition:
Hypothalamus is the brain structure that integrates many physiological functions to maintain homeostasis; site of secretion of hormones released by the posterior pituitary; also releases hormones that control anterior pituitary secretions. Hypothalamus regulates behavior related to species survival: fighting, feeding, fleeing, and mating; also active in regulating emotions and reactions to stress It is A pea-sized structure in the forebrain that controls the pituitary gland and so-called homeostatic behaviors, such as eating, drinking, temperature control, sleeping, sexual behaviors, and emotional reactions. Hypothalamus monitors blood levels of glucose, salt, blood pressure, and hormones. It also helps to regulate processes in the body through its connection to the central and autonomic nervous systems and endocrine system. It is the component of the brain that regulates eating, drinking, sex, and basic emotions; abnormal behaviors involving any of these activities may be the result of dysfunction in the hypothalamus Likewise is is a small structure at the base of a human brain that serves as a biological clock, regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

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