Glossary I

Imitative learning refers to the first stage of cultural learning in the theory of cultural learning of Tomasello et al. which occurs when the learner internalizes something of the model 's behavioral strategies and intentions for executing the behavior; contrast with instructed learning, collaborative learning (see Cultural learning)

Immanent justice refers to the view that retribution for wrongdoing is a direct consequence of the wrongdoing, reflective of the belief that morality is embedded within the structure of the universe; the notion that unacceptable conduct will invariably be punished and that justice is ever-present in the world

Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) said that what humans experience consciously is determined by the interaction of sensory information with the categories of thought. Immanuel Kant believed that experiences such as those of unity, causation, time, and space could not be derived from sensory experience and therefore must be attributable to innate categories of thought. He also believed that morality is, or should be, governed by the categorical imperative. He did not believe psychology could become a science because subjective experience could not be quantified mathematically.

Immediacy means communicating the experience of the therapist to the patient about what is happening in the moment.

Immediacy principle refers to the principle that humans immediately interpret words as they encounter them.
Immediate causes is a term used in the study of human sexuality that refer to various factors that occur in the act of lovemaking that inhibit sexual response.

Immediate experience refers to direct subjective experience as it occurs.

Deutsch: Immersion / Español: Inmersión / Português: Imersão / Français: Immersion / Italiano: Immersione

Immersion within the context of psychology refers to the experience of being deeply engaged or absorbed in an activity or environment to the extent that one's awareness of physical self or the passage of time diminishes. This state is often associated with a high level of focus and concentration, where external distractions are minimized, and the individual feels a sense of unity with the activity or environment.