Norm is defined as a widely accepted , but usually unspoken standard of conduct for appropriate behavior.

In psychology, a norm is a rule or guideline that is generally accepted by a group. Norms can be social, cultural, or personal, and they can dictate behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and other psychological characteristics.

Here are some examples of norms:

  • Social norms: These are rules of behavior that are accepted by a group or society. Examples include shaking hands when meeting someone, standing in line to wait your turn, and saying "please" and "thank you."

  • Cultural norms: These are norms that are specific to a particular culture or subculture. Examples include the way people greet each other in different cultures (e.g., bowing in Japan, kissing on the cheek in France), the way people dress in different cultures (e.g., wearing a sari in India, wearing a burka in some Middle Eastern countries), and the way people behave in different cultures (e.g., the importance of hierarchy in some Asian cultures, the emphasis on individualism in Western cultures).

  • Personal norms: These are norms that an individual follows based on their own personal values and beliefs. Examples might include a person's decision to always be punctual, their commitment to honesty, or their refusal to engage in certain behaviors (e.g., smoking, drinking).

Norms can influence behavior and thought in many ways. For example, people who violate social norms may be ostracized or punished by the group, while people who adhere to personal norms may feel a sense of pride or self-respect. Norms can also shape how people perceive themselves and others, and they can influence how people interact with one another.

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