Deutsch: Soziale Verbindung / Español: Conexión Social / Português: Conexão Social / Français: Connexion Sociale / Italiano: Connessione Sociale

In psychology, social connection refers to the relationships and interactions individuals have with others, which provide a sense of belonging, support, and identity. These connections are fundamental to psychological well-being and play a critical role in mental health.


Social connection encompasses various forms of interpersonal relationships, including friendships, family ties, romantic partnerships, and community involvement. It is characterized by feelings of closeness and attachment, and the quality of these connections significantly influences emotional health. Strong social connections are associated with numerous psychological benefits, such as increased feelings of security, improved self-esteem, and greater resilience against stress.

Psychologists study social connections to understand how they affect mental health and overall well-being. For instance, a lack of social connections, or social isolation, is linked to increased risks of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. Conversely, robust social networks can help buffer against psychological stress and are linked to longer life expectancy.

Application Areas

Social connection is a vital concept in several psychological fields, including:

  • Clinical psychology: Helping individuals develop healthier social interactions and overcome feelings of loneliness or social anxiety.
  • Health psychology: Studying how social connections influence physical health outcomes.
  • Community psychology: Fostering stronger social bonds within communities to enhance collective well-being.

Well-Known Examples

Notable psychological theories and studies on social connection include:

  • Attachment theory: Developed by John Bowlby, this theory explores how early relationships with caregivers form the blueprint for future social relationships and emotional responses.
  • Social capital theory: Examines how social networks provide access to resources and support that can lead to better health and economic outcomes.

Treatment and Risks

Promoting social connections is often a component of therapeutic interventions, particularly for individuals suffering from loneliness, depression, or social anxiety. Encouraging participation in group activities, social skills training, and community engagement are common strategies used to enhance social connections.

However, there can be risks associated with social connections, such as dependence on dysfunctional relationships or exposure to negative social environments. Therapeutic efforts often aim to help individuals recognize unhealthy social patterns and develop healthier, more supportive networks.

Similar Terms

Related psychological terms include:

  • Social support: The actual assistance received from others, which can be emotional, informational, or practical.
  • Interpersonal relationships: More broadly refers to any interactions between individuals, whether or not they provide meaningful social connection.


In psychology, social connection is essential for emotional and psychological well-being. It involves the sense of belonging and support derived from interpersonal relationships, which are crucial for mental health. Understanding and fostering healthy social connections are integral aspects of psychological research and practice.


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