Glossary A

Abstinent refers to the state of not engaging in sexual activity.

Abstract refers to a summary or a condensed version of a study that describes its most important aspects, including major results and conclusions.

In the psychology context, abstract reasoning refers to the cognitive process involved in understanding complex concepts, solving problems, and making inferences that do not rely directly on physical or concrete experiences but instead use thinking to process ideas abstractly. It encompasses the ability to recognize patterns, analyze data, and apply logical reasoning to find solutions to problems that are not immediately obvious and may not be tied to tangible experiences.

Deutsch: Abstraktes Denken / Español: Pensamiento Abstracto / Português: Pensamento Abstrato / Français: Pensée Abstraite / Italiano: Pensiero Astratto

Abstract thinking in psychology refers to the ability to think about objects, principles, and ideas that are not physically present. It involves the capacity to understand complex concepts, make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, and think about hypothetical scenarios or situations.

Abstraction means generalizaion; ignoring or hiding details to capture some kind of commonality between different instances

Absurdity in the Psychology Context:

In psychology, absurdity refers to a state of mind or a perception of reality that appears irrational, illogical, or nonsensical. It can manifest as feelings of confusion, bewilderment, or a sense that the world lacks meaning or coherence. Understanding absurdity in the psychological context involves exploring its causes, examples, recommendations for addressing it, and related psychological concepts.

Abulia refers to a syndrome similar to that of akinetic mutism, but of lesser severity. The syndrome is characterized by significant reduction in drive, interest, and spontaneous behavior. The syndrome is associated with medial damage to the frontal lobes.

Abuse refers to harmful or injurious treatment of a person to another person which may include physical, sexual, verbal, sychological/emotional, intellectual, or spiritual maltreatment.