Glossary M

M-space is a term in Pascual-Leone's theory that refers to a measure of mental capacity, reflecting how many concepts a child can keep in mind simultaneously.

M'Naghten rule refers to legal principle stating that, in order to claim a defense of insanity, accused persons must have been burdened by such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act they were doing or, if they did know it, that they did not know what they were doing what was wrong.

Mach bands refers to the perception of a thin dark band on the dark side of a light–dark border and a thin light band on the light side of the border. These bands are an illusion because they occur even though corresponding intensity changes do not exist.

Deutsch: Machiavellismus / Español: maquiavelismo / Português: maquiavelismo / Français: machiavélisme / Italiano: machiavellismo

Machiavellianism in the psychology context refers to a personality trait characterized by manipulation, deceit, and a focus on self-interest and personal gain, often at the expense of others. People high in Machiavellianism tend to be pragmatic, emotionally detached, and willing to exploit others to achieve their goals. The term is derived from the political philosophy of Niccolò Machiavelli, whose work The Prince advocated for the use of cunning and strategy in leadership.

Machismo characterized or motivated by stereotypical masculine behavior or actions.

Deutsch: Makrophage / Español: Macrófago / Português: Macrófago / Français: Macrophage / Italiano: Macrofago
is a type of lymphocyte that attacks invading organisms.

Deutsch: Makrosomatisch / Español: Macrosomático / Português: Macrosomático / Français: Macrosomatique / Italiano: Macrosomatico /

Macrosmatic means having a keen sense of smell that is important to an animal’s survival.

Macrosociological study is defined as a study of overall social arrangements, their structures, and their long-term effects.