Glossary A

Abusive relationship is a relationship in which one person becomes aggressive toward the other partner

Deutsch: Akademische Leistung / Español: Logro Académico / Português: Desempenho Acadêmico / Français: Réussite Académique / Italiano: Rendimento Accademico

In the psychology context, academic achievement refers to the extent to which a student has attained their short or long-term educational goals. This concept is often measured through grades, test scores, and completion of educational degrees or certifications. Academic achievement encompasses a student's performance on standardized tests, coursework, and other formal assessments within an educational setting.

Academy of Psychological Clinical Science refers to an organization of clinical psychology programs and clinical psychology internship sites committed to the clinical scientist model of training. The academy is affiliated with the American Psychological Society (APS).
Acarophobia is a kind of phobia specifically the morbid Fear of small parasites, small particles, or of itching.

Deutsch: Beschleuniger / Español: Acelerante / Português: Acelerador / Français: Accélérateur / Italiano: Accelerante

Accelerant in the psychology context refers to any factor, condition, or stimulus that significantly speeds up or intensifies a psychological process, reaction, or change. This term is often used to describe elements that can rapidly enhance the development of certain mental states, behaviors, or therapeutic outcomes.

Accelerant Detection Canines refer to dogs that can detect accelerants by scent

Accelerants are materials that speed up the progress of a fire.

Deutsch: Beschleunigung / Español: Aceleración / Português: Aceleração / Français: Accélération / Italiano: Accelerazione /

Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. Acceleration also refers to the brain experiencing a significant physical force that propels it quickly, from stationary to moving.