Glossary A

Anorexia nervosa refers to an eating disorder characterized by intentional starvation, distorted body image, excessive amounts of energy, and an intense fear of gaining weight.

Anorgasmia is a term used in psychology to describe a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to achieve orgasm, despite adequate sexual stimulation. This can occur in both men and women and can be a temporary or persistent problem.

Anosmia refers to the general lack of olfaction. Also, a total loss of smell or the ability to smell due to injury or infection.

Anosognosia refers to a term first coined by Babinski to indicate the inability or refusal to recognize that one has a particular disease or disorder.

Likewise, Anosognosia refers to the

Anoxia is defined as oxygen deprivation experienced by a fetus during labour and/or delivery
Other /More definition:
Anoxia refers to a condition characterized by lack of or sufficient oxygen to the brain; may result in neurological damage or death.

- Antabuse (disulfiram) : Antabuse (disulfiram ) refers to drug that helps people break an alcohol habit by impairing their ability to convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid

Antagonism refers to the diminished or reduced effect of a drug when another drug is present.

Antagonist is a term in Neuroscience which is a chemical substance that decreases or blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter.