Glossary A
Glossary A
Deutsch: Angst und Depression / Español: Ansiedad y Depresión / Português: Ansiedade e Depressão / Français: Anxiété et Dépression / Italiano: Ansia e Depressione
Anxiety and Depression in the context of psychology refer to two of the most common mental health disorders, both characterized by distinct but often overlapping symptoms affecting an individual's emotional state, thought processes, and physical well-being. These conditions can significantly impact daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life.
Deutsch: Angststörungen / Español: Trastornos de ansiedad / Português: Transtornos de ansiedade / Français: Troubles anxieux / Italiano: Disturbi d'ansia /
Anxiety disorders refer to a group of serious yet treatable health problems, chronic condition characterized by an excessive and persistent sense of apprehension with physical symptoms such as sweating, palpitations, and feelings of stress.