Glossary A

Anxiolytics refers to the medications that reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiolytics are prescription drugs used to treat and prevent anxiety disorders.

Anxious attachment refers to an insecure relationship in which an infant or child shows ambivalence about seeking reassurance or security from an attachment figure.

Anxious-avoidant attachment where infants avoid contact with their mothers after separation or ignore their efforts to interact. They show less distress at being alone than other babies. Infants are very cautious in the presence of a stranger. Their exploratory behavior is noticeably disrupted by the caregiver 's departure. When the caregiver returns, the infants appear to want to be close to the caregiver, but they are also angry, so that they are very hard to soothe or comfort.

Anxious/ambivalent attachment style refers to an attachment style characterized by a concern that others will not reciprocate one's desire for intimacy, resulting in higher-than-average levels of anxiety.

Aortic arch that which arises from the left ventricle of the heart.

Aortic bodies refer to receptors located in the arch of the aorta that are capable of detecting changes in arterial PO2.

APA Division refers to the subdivision of the American Psychological Association that focuses on (1) understanding the etiology and promotion and maintenance of health ; (2) preventing, diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating physical and mental illness ; (3) studying psychological, social, emotional, and behavioral factors in physical and mental illness; and (4) improving the health care system and formulation of health policy.

APA Ethics Code refers to a common set of principles and standards on which psychologists build their professional and scientific work. This Code is intended to provide specific standards that cover most situations encountered by psychologists. Its primary goal is the welfare and protection of the individuals and groups with whom psychologists work.