Glossary A

ASQ refers to either Attributional-style questionnaire or Ages & Stages Questionnaires (below)

Assault refers to an unlawful offer or attempt with force or violence to do a corporal hurt to another or to frighten another. This is one of the terms used in Forensic Psychology

Deutsch: Montagebonus Effekt / Español: Efecto de bonificación de ensamblaje / Português: Efeito de bônus de montagem / Français: Effet de bonus d'assemblage / Italiano: Effetto bonus di assemblaggio /

Assembly bonus effect is a term which means producing an outcome as a group that is superior to the results that could have been achieved by a simple aggregation or accumulation of group members’ individual efforts; a gain in performance that is caused by the way the members fit together to form the work group.

Assent refers to an evidence of some form of agreement on the part of a child to participate in a Research study without the child's having the full understanding of the Research that

Assertion refers to a communicative act in which a person draws the attention of another person to a particular object, an example is when a child shows a toy to an adult as if to say "This is mine". Assertions may be made through words or gestures.

Assertive community treatment programs refer to system of treatment that provides comprehensive services to people with Schizophrenia, employing the expertise of medical professionals, social workers, and psychologists to meet the variety of patients' needs 24 hours per day

Assertiveness refers to a way of thinking and behaving that allows a person to stand up for his or her rights while respecting the rights of others.

- Assertiveness Training : - Assertiveness Training : Assertiveness training refers to a technique sometimes used by therapists to help patients develop skills in interpersonal relations.