Glossary A

Anaphoric reference refers to a form of reference cohesion in which one linguistic expression refers back to prior information in

Anastomosis is the Communication between blood vessels by collateral channels.

Anathema refers to something or someone intensely disliked. Likewise, a ban, curse, or vigorous denunciation. From Greek anathema which means "something devoted to evil".

Anatomical coding refers to a means by which the nervous system represents information; different features are coded by the activity of different neurons.

Anatomical dead space refers to the total volume of the lung (i.e., conducting airways) that does not participate in gas exchange.

Anatomical position refers to the position of reference in which the subject is in the standing position, with feet together and palms of hands facing forward.

Anatomically Correct Dolls refers to kinds of dolls with all anatomical features that is used to interview children

Deutsch: Anatomie ist Schicksal / Español: La anatomía es destino / Português: Anatomia é destino / Français: L'anatomie est le destin / Italiano: L'anatomia è destinata /

Anatomy is destiny refers to the Freudian contention that a number of major Personality characteristics are determined by one's gender.