Glossary A

Addiction refers to a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and drug use and by neurochemical and molecular changes in the brain.

Addictive personality is the the hypothesis of a personality structure common to all people with substance-use disorders

Addition is a speech error in which linguistic material is added.

Additive synthesis is a term in hearing that refers to the process of building a complex tone by starting with the fundamental frequency and adding pure tone harmonics.

Additive task refers to a group task in which performance depends on the sum of each individual's effort .

Deutsch: Additive Aufgaben / Español: Tareas Aditivas / Português: Tarefas Aditivas / Français: Tâches Additives / Italiano: Compiti Additivi /

Additive tasks refer to tasks for which the group’s performance is equal to the sum of the performances of each individual group member; activities where the group output reflects the total of all individual members’ contributions.

Adduction refers to movement medially toward the midline of the trunk, as in lowering the arms to the side or legs back to the anatomical position.

Adenosine refers to an inhibitory neurotransmitter that has a sedative effect