Glossary A
Glossary A
Air encephalogram or pneumoencephalography refers to the radiographic visualization of the fluid-containing structures of the brain, the ventricles, and spinal column. It is similar to the X-ray, but it involves the withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, which is then replaced with a gas including air, oxygen, or helium.
Deutsch: Luftverschmutzung / Español: Contaminación del Aire / Português: Poluição do Ar / Français: Pollution de l'Air / Italiano: Inquinamento dell'Aria
Air Pollution in the context of psychology refers to the study of how exposure to pollutants in the air affects mental health, cognitive functions, and emotional well-being. Research in this area explores the psychological implications of air pollution, including increased risks of stress, cognitive decline, and various mental health disorders.