Glossary A
Glossary A
Deutsch: Akademische Leistung / Español: Logro Académico / Português: Desempenho Acadêmico / Français: Réussite Académique / Italiano: Rendimento Accademico
In the psychology context, academic achievement refers to the extent to which a student has attained their short or long-term educational goals. This concept is often measured through grades, test scores, and completion of educational degrees or certifications. Academic achievement encompasses a student's performance on standardized tests, coursework, and other formal assessments within an educational setting.
Deutsch: Beschleuniger / Español: Acelerante / Português: Acelerador / Français: Accélérateur / Italiano: Accelerante
Accelerant in the psychology context refers to any factor, condition, or stimulus that significantly speeds up or intensifies a psychological process, reaction, or change. This term is often used to describe elements that can rapidly enhance the development of certain mental states, behaviors, or therapeutic outcomes.
Deutsch: Beschleunigung / Español: Aceleración / Português: Aceleração / Français: Accélération / Italiano: Accelerazione /
Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. Acceleration also refers to the brain experiencing a significant physical force that propels it quickly, from stationary to moving.