Glossary A

- Antabuse (disulfiram) : Antabuse (disulfiram ) refers to drug that helps people break an alcohol habit by impairing their ability to convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid

Antagonism refers to the diminished or reduced effect of a drug when another drug is present.

Antagonist is a term in Neuroscience which is a chemical substance that decreases or blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter.

Antagonist drug refers to medication that blocks or counteracts the effects of a psychoactive drug.

Antagonist drugs refer to drugs that block or change the effects of an addictive drug, reducing the desire for the drug. Moreover, Antagonist drugs are medication that blocks or counteracts the effects of a psychoactive drug.

Antagonistic muscles are pairs of muscles that move a limb in opposite directions (examples are extensor and flexor )

Antecedent means prior information in discourse. In behavior Modification, Antecedents are events that typically precede a target response.

Antecedent conditions refer to stimulus conditions, or conditions that lead up to the behavior of interest.