Glossary A

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) refers to hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that promotes water retention by the kidney.
Antiemetic refers to a drug that reduces nausea and vomiting.

Antigay prejudice refers to negative attitude and behavior toward gays and lesbians. Antigay prejudice is also called Sexual prejudice.

Antigen refers to foreign material that enters the body, including bacteria and parasites.

Antigens refer to the unique proteins found on the surface of bacteria; these proteins are what enable the immune system to recognize the bacteria as foreign substances.

Antihistamines refer to common over-the-counter drugs with decongestant effects; drugs that counter the effects of histamine, a compound that causes dilatation of capillaries, contraction of smooth muscle, and stimulation of gastric acid secretion and that is released during allergic reactions.

Antimanic drugs refer to drugs used to treat bipolar disorder and mania.

Antimiscegenation laws refer to laws forbidding sexuality, marriage, or breeding among members of different races.