Glossary A

Arrhythmia refers to abnormal electrical activity in the heart (e.g., a premature ventricular contraction).

Ars moriendi literally means the "art of dying,” a practice that focused on what one should do to die well

Arson is a term in Forensic Psychology which refers to the malicious burning of the dwelling house of another. This definition has been broadened by state statutes and criminal codes

Art Therapy is viewed as a cathartic and non-threatening way of venting repressed feelings, art therapy can help people gain confidence and bolster self -esteem.

Art therapy refers to a method of helping patients deal with emotional conflicts and awareness of their feelings by using a variety of art media such as paints, crayons, paper, or sculpting materials.

Arteries refer to large vessels that carry arterialized blood away from the heart.

Arterioles are small branches of an artery.

Arteriosclerosis refers to a condition marked by loss of elasticity and hardening of arteries; in which the arteries lose their elasticity and are more susceptible to blockages from clots or plaques