Glossary A

Achievement-oriented style it is a leadership style in which the leader sets challenging goals and rewards achievement in a path–goal theory.

Achondroplasia is a term that was previously known as Dwarfism, refers to a rare genetic Condition that results in a disproportionate short stature. It is one of the most common type

Achromatic color refers to color without hue. White, black, and all the grays between these two (2) extremes are Achromatic colors.

Achromatopsia refers to the inability to discriminate among different hues; caused by damage to the visual association cortex.

Deutsch: Säure / Español: Ácido / Português: Ácido / Français: Acide / Italiano: Acido /

Acids are compounds capable of giving up hydrogen ions into solution.

Acidophilic adenoma refers to a functioning type of pituitary gland tumor that usually appears in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The Acidophilic adenoma creates excessive secretion of growth hormones often resulting in Gigantism and Acromegaly. Acidophilic adenoma, likewise refers to a a tumor of the pituitary gland characterized by cells that can be stained red with an acid dye. Gigantism and Acromegaly can result from the hypersecretion of growth hormone caused by an Acidophilic adenoma.

Acidosis is an abnormal increase in blood hydrogen ion concentration, that is, arterial pH below 7.35).

Acoustic demarcation when an animal makes sounds to signal its presence examples include singing of birds, calling of amphibians, hooting of some primates, howling of wolves and coyotes.