Glossary A
Glossary A
Deutsch: Anatomie ist Schicksal / Español: La anatomía es destino / Português: Anatomia é destino / Français: L'anatomie est le destin / Italiano: L'anatomia è destinata /
Anatomy is destiny refers to the Freudian contention that a number of major Personality characteristics are determined by one's gender.
Anaxagoras (ca. 500_428 B.C.) he postulated an infinite number of elements (seeds) from which everything is made.
Anchoring refers to a decision-making Heuristic in which final estimates are heavily influenced by initial value estimates.
Anchoring and adjustment heuristic is a mental shortcut that involves using a number or value as a starting point, and then adjusting one's answer away from this anchor; people often do not adjust their answer sufficiently.