Glossary A

Apnea refers to a gap or pause in breathing, temporary absence of breathing or prolonged respiratory failure and transient cessation of respiration whether normal (as in hibernating animals) or abnormal (as that caused by certain drugs).

Apnea index (AI) refers to a measure of the severity of sleep apnea; the number of apnea events per hour.

Apnea index (AI) refers to a measure of the severity of sleep apnea; the number of Apnea events per hour.

Apollonian aspect of human nature is a term used which is according to Nietzsche, is that part of human beings that seeks order, tranquillity, and predictability.

Apomorphine is a type of drug that is being studied to treat severe Parkinson’s disease. It is made from morphine but does not actually contain morphine. It increases the levels of dopamine available in the brain.
Apophyses are sites of muscle-tendon insertion in bones.

Apoptosis refers to developmental program by which a neuron kills itself at a certain age unless inhibited from doing so. Apoptosis is likewise, defined as cell death due to a programmed pattern of gene expression; a form of cell death in which certain enzymes activate to degrade DNA within the nucleus, resulting in cellular degeneration and loss.

Apothecary means pharmacist