Glossary A

Agoraphobia refers to the fear of public places or open spaces; agoraphobics try to avoid being in situations from which they think escape would be difficult or help and safety are not readily available; this is often diagnosed in conjunction with panic disorder

Other definition:
Agoraphobia refers to the intense Anxiety about being trapped or stranded in a situation without help if a panic attack occurs.

Agoraphobia (without panic ) refers to the fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen if one leaves the house or enters unfamiliar situations.
Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) refers to inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the areas of the hypothalamus that regulate feeding
Agrammatism refers to a language disturbance; difficulty in the production and comprehension of grammatical features, such as proper use of function words, word endings, and word order.

Agranulocytosis refers to the condition characterized by a deficiency of granulocytes, which are substances produced by the bone marrow and fight infection; 1 to 2 percent of people who take Clozapine develop this condition
Agraphia is an Aphasia characterized by the inability to write.

Deutsch: Verträglichkeit / Español: Agreabildad / Português: Agradabilidade / Français: Agréabilité / Italiano: Gradevolezza /

In the context of psychology, agreeableness is one of the five major dimensions of personality in the Five-Factor Model, also known as the Big Five personality traits. It describes a person's tendency to be kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and considerate towards others.

People high on this dimension are likely to be accepting, willing to work with others, and caring about them.

Agyria refers to a congenital disorder in which the normal gyri and sulci of the brain fail to develop. This disorder is believed to occur between the third and fourth month of gestation.