Glossary A
Glossary A
Axis II refers to the diagnostic axis of the DSM-IV that indicates the presence of personality disorders or mental retardation.
Deutsch: Achse III / Español: Eje III / Português: Eixo III / Français: Axe III / Italiano: Asse III /
Axis III refers to the diagnostic axis of the DSM-IV that identifies current medical conditions that may be relevant to the conceptualization or treatment of the disorders diagnosed on Axes I and II.
Axis V refers to the diagnostic axis of the DSM-IV that provides a numerical index of the individual's overall level of functioning.
Axon refers to a single thin nerve fiber of constant diameter that extends from a neuron; the part of the neuron through which intraneuronal conduction occurs (via the action potential) and at the terminus of which is located the terminal buttons that release neurotransmitters. Moreover, it refers to a long, thin, cyclindrical tube-like structure which is part of a neuron that transmits impulses to other neurons through small branching structures called axon terminals.It is the part of the neuron that conducts nerve impulses over distances. Axon is also called the Nerve fiber.