Glossary A

Ainsworth caregiving hypothesis refers to Ainsworth’s notion that the type of attachment an infant develops with a particular caregiver depends primarily on the kind of caregiving he has received from that person

Air encephalogram or pneumoencephalography refers to the radiographic visualization of the fluid-containing structures of the brain, the ventricles, and spinal column. It is similar to the X-ray, but it involves the withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, which is then replaced with a gas including air, oxygen, or helium.

Deutsch: Luftverschmutzung / Español: Contaminación del Aire / Português: Poluição do Ar / Français: Pollution de l'Air / Italiano: Inquinamento dell'Aria

Air Pollution in the context of psychology refers to the study of how exposure to pollutants in the air affects mental health, cognitive functions, and emotional well-being. Research in this area explores the psychological implications of air pollution, including increased risks of stress, cognitive decline, and various mental health disorders.

Akathesis refers to agitation caused by neuroleptic drugs
Akathisia refers to an inner feeling of excessive restlessness which provokes the sufferer to fidget in their seat or pace about

Akinesia refers to a Motor disturbance in which a person's muscles become rigid and movement is difficult to initiate.

Akinetic refers to the to absence or poverty of voluntary movement; loss of the ability to move all or part of the body.

Akinetic mutism refers to a syndrome associated with medial frontal damage involving a loss of initiative, apathy, reduced verbal and motor behaviors, and profound indifference.