Glossary A

Angiotensin II refers to hormone that constricts the blood vessels, contributing to hypovolemic thirst

Angle of Consciousness refers to angle formed by using the values of consciousness (vertical) and the personal unconscious UP (horizontal) in a coordinate system for the four (4) states of the ego.

Angle of disparity refers to the visual angle between the images of an object on the two (2) retinas. When images of an object fall on corresponding points, the Angle of disparity is zero. When images fall on non-corresponding points, the Angle of disparity indicates the degree of non-correspondence.
Angle of pull refers to the angle between the muscle insertion and the bone on which it inserts.

Deutsch: Angst / Español: Ansiedad / Português: Ansiedade / Français: Angoisse / Italiano: Angoscia

Angst in the psychology context refers to a profound sense of anxiety or dread, often without a specific cause. It encompasses feelings of worry, nervousness, and fear, and can be related to existential concerns or general apprehensions about life. This term is often used to describe both clinical anxiety and existential anxiety.

Angular displacement refers to the change in location of a rotating body.

Angular gyrus is believed to serve as an association area in the brain that connects one (1) region with another particularly important for the association of visual stimuli with linguistic symbols. Damage to the Angular gyrus leads to both Alexia and Agraphia.

Angular motion refers to motion involving rotation around an axis.