Deutsch: Assimilation / Español: Asimilación / Português: Assimilação / Français: Assimilation / Italiano: Assimilazione /

Assimilation refers to the process by which new objects, events, experiences, or information are incorporated into existing schemas. It is Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development which refers to a process of adaptation to interactions with the environment through which individuals add new experiences to their base of knowledge
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Assimilation is a term used in industrial psychology that refers to a type of rating error in which raters base their rating (of an employee during one rating period) on the ratings the raters gave during a previous period.
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Assimilation is a term used in Piaget's theory of cognitive development that refers to the process of incorporating objects, knowledge or new events into existing schemes or taking in new information that is compatible with what one already knows.

Moreover, Assimilation is a Piagetian term for mental adaptation to one"s environment by incorporating experiences; a Piaget"s term for the process by which children interpret new experiences by incorporating them into their existing schemes.
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Assimilation is a term used in psychology of language that refers to a phonological process in which one speech sound is replaced by another that is similar to sounds elsewhere in the utterance.