Glossary B

Benighted maybe defined as: 1. Intellectually, morally, or socially ignorant; unenlightened; and 2. Overtaken by night or darkness.

Benign describes cell growth that is usually surrounded by a fibrous capsule, is typically non-infiltrative, that is, non-invasive and will not spread to other parts of the body; non-cancerous tumors.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy refers to the common enlargement of the prostate that occurs in most men after about age 50.

Bent-twig model refers to the proposal that biological differences between males and females bias males to have different experiences than females and these differential experiences account for gender differences in spatial abilities.

Benzodiazepine refers to antianxiety drug such as Valium, Xanax, Dalmane, or Halcion which can also be used to treat insomnia. Benzodiazepine is effective against anxiety and, at high potency, panic disorder, however show some side effects, such as some cognitive and motor impairment, and may result in substance dependence. Relapse rates are said to be extremely high when such a drug is discontinued.

Benzodiazepines refers to a class of drugs that act as tranquilizers; the most common side effects are drowsiness and withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt ending of treatment.

Berdache refers to a male who takes on the roles of women and who may also dress as a woman and engage in sexual intimacy with man.

Bereavement refers to the painful loss of a loved one through death; the state or condition caused by loss through death, and the long-term process of adjustment to the death of a loved one that is more all encompassing than grief and is commonly accompanied by physical symptoms, role loss, and a variety of intense emotions, including anger, sorrow, anxiety, and depression.