Glossary B

Betise is defined as : (1) Stupidity, foolishness (2) A foolish remark or action. Betise is related to the French term Bête noire which literally means black beast something or someone dreaded or avoided.

Betrayal refers to the degree to which a child feels a perpetrator gained his or her confidence through manipulation and coercion, as well as the position of trust or authority held b

Better-than-most effect refers to the tendency of most people to think they have more positive and fewer negative qualities than do most other people.

Between-group designs refer to Research designs in which two (2) or more separate groups of participants each receive a different kind of treatment.

Between-Subjects Design refers to a research design in which different groups of participants are randomly assigned to an experimental condition (exposed to one or more experimental treatments) or to a control condition (not exposed to an experimental treatment ).

Between-subjects design refers to a research design in which each of the different groups of scores is obtained from a separate group of participants. It is research design in which different groups of participants are randomly assigned to experimental conditions or to control conditions. Between-subjects design is also known as an independent-measures design.
Between-subjects experimental design refers to an experimental design using separate, independent groups of individuals for each treatment condition being compared. Between-subjects experimental design is also known as an Independent-measures experimental design.

Betweenness refers to the degree to which a Group member"s position in a network is located along a path between other pairs of individuals in the network.