Glossary B

- Binge-eating disorder: binge-eating disorder (BED) refers to the pattern of eating involving distress-inducing binges not followed by purging behaviors; being considered as a new DSM diagnostic category.
binge-eating/purging type refers to a type of anorexia whereby the individual regularly engages in episodes of binge eating or purging, or both.

Binge-eating/Purging type refers to a type of Anorexia whereby the individual regularly engages in episodes of binge eating or purging, or both.

Binge/Purge refers to a type of Anorexia Nervosa in which periodic bingeing or purging behaviors occur along with behaviors that meet the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa

Bingeing means eating a large amount of food in one sitting

Binges refers to he ingestion of large amounts of food during a short period of time, even after reaching a point of feeling full, and a lack of control over what or how much is eaten.

Binocular depth cell refers to a neuron in the visual cortex that responds best to stimuli that fall on points separated by a Glossary 409 specific degree of disparity on the two retinas. Binocular depth cell also called a Disparity-selective cell.

Binocular depth cues refers to perceptual features that impart information about distance and three-dimensional space which require two (2) eyes.