Glossary B

British empiricism refers to a philosophical school of thought, of which John Locke was a member, maintaining that almost all knowledge is a function of experience.

- British Sign Language : British Sign Language refers to a visual means of communication relying on facial expressions, gestures and body language, used within the deaf community and learned naturally by interaction, which is not dependent on a spoken language.

Brittle bone disease refers to a disease caused by an abnormality in the collagen protein that the body requires for bones as well as other structures, such as teeth, ligaments and skin. The condition often leads to an increased likelihood of fractures, as well as fragile teeth, lax joints, bruising and blue or grey sclera (whites of eyes). Some people with brittle bone disease develop deafness and some have short stature. Brittle Bone Disease is also known as Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI).
Broadbanding is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology that refers to the trend towards having fewer, rather than many rankings for jobs.

Broaden-and-build theory the proposition that positive emotions expand an individual’s attention and mind-set.

Broca's aphasia refers to a form of Aphasia that involves a disturbance in language production but intact comprehension abilities.

Broca's area refers to a language area related to grammar and pronunciation. It is a portion of the human left frontal lobe associated with certain aspects of language, especially language production. Moreover, Broca's area refers to area /structure located in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex that is important for language perception and that controls production. One effect of damage is difficulty in speaking.