Glossary B

Bedwetting refers to involuntary urination in bed. Bedwetting is called "Enuresis, " from the Greek "enourin" meaning "to urinate in."Bedwetting which is also called Nocturnal Enuresis refers to involuntary passage of urine (urinary incontinence ) while asleep. Moreover, Bedwetting is a failure to control the bladder during the night. It is frequently used interchangeably with Enuresis, although Bedwetting refers to the behavior itself and Enuresis is a diagnostic category, related to the age of the child.

Deutsch: Verhalten / Español: Comportamiento / Português: Comportamento / Français: Comportement / Italiano: Comportamento /

Behavior refers to the observable response a person makes to any situation. It also includes the reactions or movements made by an individual usually in relation to the environment.

Behavior Analysis refers to an effort to identify as many factors as possible that could be contributing to a child’s problem behavior, thoughts, and feelings, and to develop hypotheses about which ones are the most important and/or most easily changed.

Behavior categories refer to categories of behavior to be observed, like group play, play alone, aggression, social interaction. A set of behavior categories and a list of exactly which behaviors count as examples of each are developed before observation begins.
Behavior genetics refers to a branch of psychology that examines the genetic base of behavior and personality differences among people.

Behavior Lens Principle refers to principle which states that child psychopathology reflects a mixture of actual child Behavior and the lens through which it is viewed by others in a

Behavior management refers to the deliberate and systematic application of psychological principles in attempts to change behavior. Behavior management programs are most often based largely on behavioristic principles. (see Behavior modification, Behavior therapy.)
Behavior modeling refers to a training technique in which employees observe correct behavior, practice that behavior, and then receive Feedback about their performance.