Glossary B

Bradyphrenia refers to extremely slow information processing speed characteristic of patients with sub-cortical Dementias.

Braille refers to a system of making raised dots on paper to form letters and words that are read by the blind with their fingertips.

Deutsch: Gehirn

The brain (latin: Cerebrum) is controlling the human body and together with the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. It is protected by the bones of the head.

Brain abscesses refers to a "walled-off," localized pocket of pus within the brain which is usually related to an infection.
brain circuit refers to neurotransmitter current or neural pathway in the brain.
Brain circuits refer to paths made up of clustered neurons that connect one part of the brain to another.

Brain death refers to a condition with no sign of brain activity and no response to any stimulus. It is a definition of death based on eight (8) criteria, including lack of brain function.

Brain growth spurt refers to the period between the seventh prenatal month and 2 years of age when more than half of the child’s eventual brain weight is added.