Glossary C

Count noun is defined as a noun that takes the plural morpheme and refers to an object with clear boundaries, such as a stick. Count noun is also called an Individual noun.
Counter Dependant refers to a person who resists being dependant.

Counter-conditioning treatment which is done if the person is far too fearful to attempt flooding, then counter-conditioning can be an option.

Counter-Conditioning is replacing one response to a given stimulus with a different response.

Deutsch: Entgegenwirken / Español: Contrarrestar / Português: Contrabalançar / Français: Contrecarrer / Italian: Contrastare

Counteracting in the psychology context refers to the process of taking actions or implementing strategies to neutralize, reduce, or reverse the effects of a negative thought, behaviour, emotion, or influence. This concept is often used in therapeutic settings to help individuals manage maladaptive behaviours, counterproductive thinking patterns, or emotional responses that negatively impact their mental health and well-being.

Counterattitudinal advocacy refers to the process that occurs when a person states an opinion or attitude that runs counter to his or her private belief or attitude

Counterbalancing is a term describing any technique used to vary systematically the order of conditions in an experiment to distribute the effects of time of testing, for example; practice and fatigue, so they are not confounded with conditions.

Counterconditioning refers to the process of replacing an undesired response to a stimulus with an acceptable response; the procedure whereby a CS that elicits one type of response is associated with an event that elicits an incompatible response.