Glossary C

Categorical Approach refers to an approach to studying personality that posits qualitatively different types of people, instead of continuous trait dimensions along which people can vary.

Categorical Classification refers to the diagnostic systems that are primarily based on informed professional consensus, which is an approach that has dominated and continues to dominate the fields of both child and adult psychopathology.

Categorical classifications refer to the diagnostic systems that are primarily based on informed professional consensus, which is an approach that has dominated and continues to domin

Categorical identifications refers to self -understanding that relies on the categories one fits into, such as physical characteristics and religion.

Categorical imperative is a term which is according to Kant is the moral directive that humans should always act in such a way that the maxims governing human moral decisions could be used as a guide for everyone else's moral behavior.

Categorical perception is the discontinuous categories of speech sounds. In speech perception, perceiving one sound at short voice onset times and another sound at longer voice onset times. The listener perceives only two (2) categories across the whole range of voice onset times. It is the perception of stimuli that vary along a physical continuum as belonging to discrete categories. Moreover, it is the inability to discriminate sounds within a phonemic category. Please see also Phoneme boundary effect.

Deutsch: Kategorisches Selbst / Español: Yo Categórico / Português: Eu Categórico / Français: Soi Catégorique / Italiano: Sé Categorico /

Categorical self refers to a person’s classification of the self along socially significant dimensions such as age and sex; definitions of the self that refer to concrete external traits.

Categorical syllogism refers to a deductive argument in which the relationship among the three (3) terms in the two (2) premises involves categorical membership