Glossary C

Cross-Sectional Research refers to a method of Research whereby different individuals at different ages and stages of Development are studied at the same point in time.

Cross-sectional studies refer to studies in which various measures are obtained from one or more groups at a given point in time (see Longitudinal studies )

Cross-Sectional Study refers to a a study in which separate groups of subjects at different ages are compared.

Cross-sectional study refers to a study based on observations representing a single point in time. It is a study in which developmental differences are identified by testing people of different ages. Cross-sectional study contrasted with a longitudinal study.

Cross-sequential design refers to an experiment that combines the cross-sectional and longitudinal procedures.

Cross-sequential study refers to a study that follows a group of different-aged children for 2 or 3 years; can reliably identify antecedents and stability of behavior patterns during the course of the study.

Cross-tolerance refers to tolerance of a drug because of exposure to a different drug; tolerance to a drug or drugs never taken that results from protracted tolerance to another drug or drugs.

Cross-training is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology which means teaching employees how to perform tasks traditionally performed by other employees.