Glossary C

Crowning refers to the point during labor when the baby's head can be seen at the vaginal orifice.

In the psychology context, cruelty refers to behavior that intentionally causes harm, suffering, or distress to others. It encompasses a range of actions from verbal abuse and emotional manipulation to physical violence and neglect. Psychological perspectives on cruelty often seek to understand the underlying motives, personality traits, and social or environmental factors that contribute to such behaviors. Cruelty can manifest in various settings, including interpersonal relationships, workplaces, and within broader societal contexts.

Crutchfield apparatus refers to a machine that consists of an electrical panel with several rows of lights which allows the efficient study of conformity by simulating the responses of numerous hypothetical participants.
Crying refers to a state in which a baby cries vigorously, usually accompanied by agitated but uncoordinated movement.

Cryonics refers to a practice in which one's body, or sometimes just the head is frozen at the time of death and held in that state until a time comes when, it is hoped, it could be thawed and the cause of death cured by future generations.
Cryosurgery refers to a type of surgery or surgical procedure that uses freezing techniques to destroy part of an organ.

Cryptococcosis refers to an acute or chronic infection that can lead to pulmonary or central nervous system infection.
Cryptorchidism refers to a condition in which the testes fail to descend into the scrotum.