Glossary C

Cell doctrine refers to a hypothesis that assumed the ventricles were the location of the mind. The Cell doctrine is known to be entirely inaccurate as of today.

Cell membrane refers to the lipid-bilayer envelope that encloses cells which is called the Sarcolemma in muscle cells.

Cell nucleus refer to the the part of the cell that contains the genetic material essential to reproduction and protein synthesis.

Cell-mediated immunity refers to slow acting immune response, involving T lymphocytes, that operates at the cellular level. It is a form of immune reaction that takes place at the level of the cell. Cell-mediated immunity involves the action of T cells although the first stages are similar to the process for humoral-mediated immunity.

Cellular respiration is the process of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in cells, that is Bioenergetics
Cellular theories refer to explanations of aging that focuses on processes that occur within individual cells that may lead to the buildup of harmful substances or the deterioration of cells over a lifetime

The Center for Epidemiologic Studies of Depression Scale (CES-D) was designed to measure current level of depressive symptomatology, and especially depressive affect. The 20 items were chosen from five (5) previously used Depression scales to represent all major components of Depressive symptomatology.

Center of gravity refers to the point at which all of the body's mass and weight are equally balanced or equally distributed in all directions.