Glossary C

Central tendency refers to a statistical measure that identifies a single score that defines the center of a distribution. It provides a representative value for the entire group.
Central tendency error refers to a type of rating error in which a rater consistently rates all employees in the middle of the scale, regardless of their actual levels of performance.

Central traits refer to the core traits that characterize an individual personality ; the handful of outstanding traits that describe a person's behavior. It includes the 5 to 10 traits that best describe a person’s personality.

- Centration (Centered thinking) : Centration means focusing on one dimension of a situation while ignoring others. In Piaget's theory, Centration is the tendency of pre-operational children to attend to one aspect of a situation to the exclusion of others in contrast with Decentration. According to Piaget, Centration means narrowly focused type of thought characteristic of pre-operational children
Cephalocaudal means from head to tail.

Cephalocaudal development refers to a sequence of physical maturation and growth that proceeds from the head (cephalic region) to the tail (or caudal region).

Cephalocaudal principle refers to a principle of physical growth that states that structures nearest the head develop first

CEQ, an acronym that stands for Cognitive Emotion Questionnaire, is a valuable tool within the realm of psychology. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the concept of CEQ, providing an understanding of its meaning, exploring its applications, discussing potential risks, and offering recommendations for its effective use. Additionally, we will touch upon any relevant historical and legal aspects associated with CEQ. The article concludes with examples of sentences illustrating the usage of CEQ in different grammatical forms and lists similar terms.