Glossary C

Cephalocaudal means from head to tail.

Cephalocaudal development refers to a sequence of physical maturation and growth that proceeds from the head (cephalic region) to the tail (or caudal region).

Cephalocaudal principle refers to a principle of physical growth that states that structures nearest the head develop first

CEQ, an acronym that stands for Cognitive Emotion Questionnaire, is a valuable tool within the realm of psychology. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the concept of CEQ, providing an understanding of its meaning, exploring its applications, discussing potential risks, and offering recommendations for its effective use. Additionally, we will touch upon any relevant historical and legal aspects associated with CEQ. The article concludes with examples of sentences illustrating the usage of CEQ in different grammatical forms and lists similar terms.

CER is the abbreviations of Conditioned emotional response, the suppression of positively reinforced instrumental behavior (e.g., lever pressing for food pellets) caused by the presentation of a stimulus that has become associated with an aversive stimulus. CER is also called Conditioned suppression.

Cerebal Palsy refers to a non-progressive disorder of movement resulting from damage to the brain before, during, or immediately after birth. It is often associated with other neurological and mental problems.

Cerebellar peduncles refers to large neural tracts connecting the cerebellum to the midbrain.
Cerebellum refers to part of the brain coordinates body movements, controls posture, and maintains equilibrium.