Glossary C
Glossary C
Change blindness is the difficulty in detecting differences between two (2) visual stimuli that are presented with another stimulus interposed between them. It also occurs when part of a stimulus is changed very slowly. Change blindness also refers to the the inability to detect changes in objects or scenes that are being viewed
Deutsch: Veränderungsmanagement / Español: Gestión del Cambio / Português: Gestão da Mudança / Français: Gestion du Changement / Italiano: Gestione del Cambiamento
Change Management in the psychology context refers to the structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state, with a focus on the psychological and behavioral aspects of change. It involves understanding and applying psychological principles to manage and support the human elements of change, aiming to minimize resistance, enhance engagement, and facilitate a smooth transition.
Changing-criterion design refers to a small-n design in which the criterion to obtain some outcome changes systematically over time. It is a type of single-subject design in which the effect of the treatment is demonstrated by how closely the behavior matches a criterion that is systematically altered.