Glossary C
Glossary C
Channel of communication refers to the way the message is delivered-whether face to face, in writing, on film, or in some other way.
Chaos refers to formless matter and infinite space, supposed to have existed before the ordered universe", and "extreme confusion or disorder." In terms of systems, chaos is a state space (the condition of any system at a given time) where a system exhibits disorder, confusion, uncertainty, or instability.
- Chaos theory : Chaos theory refers to the qualitative study of unstable aperiodic behavior in deterministic nonlinear dynamical systems.
Chaos Theory refers to the qualitative study of unstable aperiodic behavior in deterministic non-linear dynamical systems. Aperiodic behavior is observed when there is no variable, describing the state of the system, that undergoes a regular repetition of values. Unstable aperiodic behavior is highly complex : it never repeats and it continues to manifest the effects of any small perturbation.
Deutsch: Charakter / Español: Carácter / Português: Caráter / Français: Caractère / Italiano: Carattere /
Character refers to personal characteristics that have been judged or evaluated. Refers also to a person's desirable or undesirable qualities.
Characterization refers to the people in the story are the characters. The client is usually the protagonist as well as the narrator. People who have conflicts with the client are usually the antagonists.