Glossary C

Deutsch: Charakter / Español: Carácter / Português: Caráter / Français: Caractère / Italiano: Carattere /

Character refers to personal characteristics that have been judged or evaluated. Refers also to a person's desirable or undesirable qualities.

Characteristic features refer to features that is typically, though not always, a part of an object or concept; qualities that describe, characterize or typify the prototype but are not necessary for it

Characteristic frequency refers to the frequency at which a neuron in the auditory system has its lowest threshold.

Characterization refers to the people in the story are the characters. The client is usually the protagonist as well as the narrator. People who have conflicts with the client are usually the antagonists.
Charisma refers to a term derived by Max Weber from the Greek xarisma which means "a divine gift of grace". Charisma is the ascription of extraordinary or supernatural acumen, ability

Charismatic leader refers to an inspirational leader who is widely admired, respected, or loved by his or her followers.

- Charles Bell (1774-1842) : Charles Bell who discovered, in modern times, the distinction between sensory and motor nerves.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) devised a Theory of Evolution that emphasized a struggle for survival that results in the natural selection of the most fit organisms.