Glossary C

Deutsch: Schwatzhaftes Syndrom / Español: Síndrome del parlanchín / Português: Síndrome do tagarela / Français: Syndrome du bavardage / Italiano: Sindrome del chiacchierone /

Chatterbox syndrome refers to a disorder characterized by severe mental retardation but remarkable linguistic abilities.

- CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) : CHD is the acronym of Coronary Heart Disease which is a general term ehich refers to illnesses caused by Atherosclerosis, which is the narrowing of the coronary arteries, the vessels that supply the heart with blood. Moreover, it is a chronic disease characterized by a reduction in blood flow from the coronary arteries, which supply the heart with blood. It is the blockage of the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle; a major cause of death in Western culture, with social and psychological factors involved.

Check forging refers to the criminal Offense of making or altering a check with intent to defraud.

Checklist refers to a written list of performance criteria associated with a particular activity or product on which an observer marks the pupil's performance on each criterion using

Chemical name is the name given to a drug that represents its chemical structure.

Chemiosmotic hypothesis is the mechanism to explain the aerobic formation of ATP in mitochondria.
Chemoreceptors refer to structures that respond to various chemicals on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. They range from detecting levels of stomach acidity to skin irrit

Chemotherapy refers to the treatment of disease by means of chemicals that have a specific toxic effect upon the disease producing microorganisms (antibiotics) or that selectively destroy cancerous tissue (anticancer therapy).