Glossary C

Deutsch: Gemeinschaft / Español: Comunidad / Português: Comunidade / Français: Communauté / Italiano: Comunità /

Community is a group of people living in the same geographic area, such as neighborhood, town, or city under common laws; it is also a group of people having fellowship, a friendly association, a mutual sharing, and common interests.

Community ecology is a term that comprises the psychological and practical relationships between humans and their social, as well as physical, environments.

Deutsch: Gemeinschaftsbeteiligung / Español: Compromiso Comunitario / Português: Engajamento Comunitário / Français: Engagement Communautaire / Italiano: Impegno Comunitario

Community Engagement in the psychology context refers to the process by which individuals or groups actively participate in the life of their community to improve its conditions and foster a sense of belonging and collective efficacy. This concept encompasses a broad range of activities, from volunteer work and civic participation to community organizing and advocacy. In psychology, community engagement is recognized for its potential to enhance individual well-being, social connections, and resilience, as well as to promote positive social change and community development.

Community health campaign refers to a community-wide education program that provides information about how to lessen risk factors and promote health.

Community mental health is a movement arising in the 1950's which viewed mental health problems as emerging from failures in the social system. This movement called for community control of mental health services and strong focuses on prevention, early detection, and the provision of services to populations who had traditionally been underserved.

- Community mental health center : Community mental health center refers to a facility which offers a wide range of mental health services, such as prevention, counseling, consultation, and crisis intervention.

- Community mental health center: - Community mental health center (CMHC) : Community mental health center (CMHC) refers to outpatient clinic that provides psychological services on a sliding fee scale to serve individuals who live within a certain geographic area.

Community mental-health centers are clinics which provide mental-health care based in the community through teams of social workers, therapists, and physicians who coordinate care