Complicated grief sometimes called Prolonged grief disorder refers to an attachment disorder: Based on DSM category, a diagnosis of "complicated grief" is appropriate for a relatively small group of individuals who meet the follwing criteria: Criterion A - chronic and disruptive yearning, pining, and longing for the deceased
Criterion B - the person must have four (4) of the following eight (8) remaining symptoms at least several times a day or to a degree intense enough to be distressing and disruptive:
1. trouble accepting the death
2. inability to trust others
3. excessive bitterness or anger related to the death
4. uneasiness about moving on
5. numbness/detachment
6. feeling life is empty or meaningless without the deceased
7. envisions a bleak future
8. felling agitated
Criterion C - the above symptom disturbance must cause marked and persistent dysfunction in social, occupational, or other important domains. Criterion D - the above symptom disturbance must last at least six (6) months.