Commitment refers to a person's support of and participation in a program, cause, or social activity, which ties the individual to the moral or ethical codes of society.

Other /More definition:
Commitment refers to legal procedure designed to protect individuals from doing harm to themselves or others through involuntary institutionalization or other forms of mental health treatment.

Other /More definition:
Commitment maybe defined as follows:

  • (1) to the determination to stay in a long-term relationship with another person; a stable investment in one's goals, values, or beliefs; a conscious decision that remains constant which consists of a demonstration of personal involvement in the areas of occupational choice, religion, and political ideology;.
  • (2) a person's support of and participation in a program, cause, or social activity, which ties the individual to the moral or ethical codes of society;.
  • (3) the decision and intent to maintain a relationship in spite of the difficulties and costs that may arise; and
  • (4) a legal procedure designed to protect individuals from doing harm to themselves or others through involuntary institutionalization or other forms of mental health treatment.