Glossary D

Discontinuity is defined as a condition that characterizes a culture when a child is either barred from activities that are open only to adults or forced to unlearn information or behaviors that are accepted in children but considered inappropriate for adults.

Discontinuity effect refers to the markedly greater competitiveness of groups when interacting with other groups, relative to the competitiveness of individuals interacting with other individuals; when groups are more extreme, and usually more hostile, than individuals

Discontinuity of development refers to a theoretical position for explaining Development proposing that normal and abnormal developmental changes are abrupt and qualitative.

Discontinuity with instability refers to the expectation and research finding that there is instability of individual differences in cognitive performance over time when the developmental function underlying performance is discontinuous and qualitative in nature.

Discontinuous constituents refer to a grammatical constituent in which some elements are separated, such as picked and up, as in the sentence "The mother picked the baby up.

Discounting refers to underestimation of the effects of one cause of our behavior when another cause is conspicuous and salient
Other /More definition:
Discounting means underestimating the effects of one cause of our behavior when another cause is conspicuous and salient.

Deutsch: Diskontierungsprinzip / Español: Principio de descuento / Português: Princípio de desconto / Français: Principe de remise / Italiano: Principio dello sconto /

The Discounting principle refers to a rule of Attribution which states that the perceived role of a cause will be discounted or reduced if other plausible causes are also present.

Deutsch: Entmutigung / Español: desánimo / Português: desencorajamento / Français: découragement / Italiano: scoraggiamento

Discourage in the psychology context refers to a state or process where an individual feels less confident, enthusiastic, or hopeful about pursuing a particular action, goal, or outcome. This condition often results from external criticisms, failures, comparisons with others, perceived lack of progress, or internal doubts, leading to diminished motivation or desire to proceed with certain activities or objectives. Discouragement can significantly impact one's mental health, causing decreased motivation, reduced self-esteem, and sometimes, avoidance of challenging situations. Understanding and addressing the sources of discouragement is crucial in psychology to help individuals build resilience, maintain motivation, and foster a positive attitude towards facing obstacles.