Glossary D

Dispositional tolerance refers to an increase in the rate of metabolizing a drug as a result of its regular use

Dispositional trait refers to a relatively stable, enduring aspect of personality.

Dispositions refer to individualsconsistencies across time and settings in a specific type of feeling, thought, and/or action, which make individuals different from other people. Dispositions also refers to attitudes or inclinations. Changes in "disposition" are often involved in learning.
Dispute refers to the arguments, disagreements and fights that take place between people who are experiencing a conflict.

Disqualifier refers to a type of structured interview question in which a wrong answer will disqualify the applicant from further consideration.
Disqualifying the Positive means looking at only the negative information we have

Disrupt-then-reframe technique refers to the influence technique in which one disrupts critical thinking by introducing an unexpected element, then reframes the message in a positive light

Deutsch: Störung / Español: Disrupción / Português: Disrupção / Français: Perturbation / Italiano: Disgregazione /

Disruption in the Psychology Context: Navigating Change, Coping with Uncertainty, and Promoting Resilience

In psychology, disruption refers to the disturbance or interruption of established patterns, routines, or psychological states. It is a fundamental concept that encompasses a wide range of experiences, from minor disruptions in daily life to major life-changing events. Understanding disruption in the psychology context is crucial because it sheds light on how individuals cope with change, uncertainty, and adversity. This knowledge offers insights into the psychological impact of disruptions, provides recommendations for promoting resilience, and discusses treatment approaches for addressing the challenges associated with disruption. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of disruption in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for coping with disruptions, discuss treatment approaches for related challenges, and list some similar concepts within the field of psychology.