Glossary D

Death-related language refers to speech that employs language about death to describe or intensify talk about subjects that have nothing to do with death

Death-related practices refer to familiar routines, procedures, and actions that follow from or are related to death-related encounters and actions

Debate in the context of psychology refers to the examination and discussion of controversial topics, theories, or concepts within the field. These debates play a crucial role in advancing psychological understanding, identifying risks, and exploring application areas. This article delves into the concept of debate in psychology, offering examples, discussing potential risks, providing recommendations, and exploring historical and legal aspects. It also includes sentences demonstrating the use of "debate" in different grammatical forms and lists similar concepts in psychology.

Debiasing means reducing errors and biases by getting people to use controlled processing rather than automatic processing

Debilitation refers to a Suicide loss grief process where efforts to make sense of the loss breakdown. Hopes of healing wither. Pain worsens with holidays, birthdays, and the anniversary of

Debriefing refers to a procedure conducted at the end of an experiment in which the researcher provides human participants with as much information about the study as possible, making sure no participant leaves feeling confused, upset, or embarrassed.

Debulking surgery refers to ther treatment to reduce the tumor mass in cancer.

Décalage in the psychology context refers to the phenomenon where developmental milestones and achievements occur at different ages or stages for different individuals. It highlights the variability in the timing of cognitive, emotional, and social development among people, emphasizing that not all individuals reach the same milestones at the same time. Décalage underscores the importance of recognizing and accommodating these variations in developmental trajectories.